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Being a Grandmother
Becoming a grandmother is a wonderful thing if you are ready for it and even if you are not ready to be bestowed with the title. As a grandmother I found out that the job is harder than I imaged. The little people are challenging, competitive and the adult children are more troublesome now than when you raised them yourself. This is a learning lesson that most mothers experience at some point in their life time, its heartwarming and informative for grandmother’s to be. In these pages share my journey of the ups and downs of being a grandmother, maybe if you are having these same issues you will feel better knowing that we all belong to a club and get the same pouts when we say no to something as well as use the same psychology when it’s time for bed. Here is where I tell all the good, the bad, and the ugly of the job that many of us are drafted into at some point during middle-age.
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How I Wish I Had My Mother
This is a story of a woman missing the guidance, friendship and closeness of her mother. The mother lived a full life that was cut short by her bout with illness. It is not until years later that the daughter realizes that the best things that were about to happen to her are yet to come. Her mother is no longer available to share these events and the pain of the loss is still evident. She tells tales of their relationship and how impactful it has been to shape her viewpoints and thought process. The story shows the daughters strength and resolve in a situation that she has no control over.
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I Hate Him
Brenda and Richard have a twenty-year relationship with the normal ebbs and flows. One day Brenda decides that she needs a fresh start. A start without Richard by her side. She wants to be her own woman. Without consideration for her current commitments, she goes off to begin again. Brenda will no longer be the victim of shattered dreams and missed opportunities. Regardless of who her decision hurts, she is going for the brass ring. Richard is stunned by her decision but comes to terms with the reality of it all. Their children are shell-shocked but always knew that their mother resented them being born as they kept her in a situation that she did not want to be in. How did this family get to this place? Will Brenda achieve the dreams that have evaded her for so many years? Can Richard move forward without her? Will the children be able to understand their mother’s methods and motivation? When asked why this all occurred all Brenda can say is “I Hate Him.”
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Communications Through a Fence
A young mother makes bad decisions that affect the welfare of her children. They are too young to understand why mommy behaves the way that she does. All they know is that nothing in their life is constant except disappointment. The parents do not feel remorse until their way of life is compromised. These conversations are all that the children have to keep the connection with their mother at the top of their little minds. They want answers but fail to get any. The only constant is a grandmother who refuses to allow them to be forgotten. She showers them with love and attention because it is evident that they feel as if she toss them away, never to be seen by them again. You feel their anger, pain, and disbelief that this is what their life has become. Will they forgive her transgressions? Can they love her unconditionally once again? Join me to find out.
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Complete Series Of
The Adventures of John, James and Jack
Three tweens make a friendship pact that last the test of time

Upcoming Book
The final installment of The Adventures of John, James and Jack series: On My Own – Coming Summer 2025
All Better – Coming Summer 2025
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