About Janice
Owner, Writer, Author, Publisher
Hello, I am Janice Elliott-Howard, owner and publisher of J.E-H Publishing. I have been writing and publishing since 2014. My writing journey started in 2013 with a book of short stories entitled The Confidante Tells. I went from digital to paperback once the book got a few positive words from the limited exposure. I am no writing expert, but I hold a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. However, I have always had a passion for reading and storytelling. Oddly enough, many peers have always suggested that I get into writing because of how I deliver information. They would find my delivery captivating and informative.
I never really gave it much thought until one day, I saw a news story of a woman whose whole world was her family. As soon as her youngest child graduated from college, the woman’s entire world flipped on its head. She found herself exiting her marriage with nothing and no way to sustain herself. The woman turned to writing about all her experiences while being a stay-at-home mother. Taking a chance on herself was a significant risk, and it paid off. At that moment, I figured that could be me. Certainly, I couldn’t see the following and the popularity coming as she has, but on the off chance that it could, I needed to get in where I fit in. I started writing that very same afternoon. By the time I got through one short tale, I started the next until I completed three. The nerves set in as I pondered how to get my written work in front of the general public. After much research, the quickest and most economical challenge was to self-publish. I figured out how to meet the criteria and never looked back.
Before long, I sold books regularly, created new stories, booked book fairs, and held speaking engagements. It was scary, but I faced it head-on because I was doing something I was meant to do. I have entered a few genres, creating written work that I am proud to say the audience I have acquired enjoys.
I have one author outside of my own written work under my tutelage. We have a total of 18 written and published works on the market. Ten (10) books are available digitally and in paperback format, and eight (8) books are available in digital format only. You will find most of the titles here on this website. You can browse, shop, and leave reviews for purchased books.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about me, my work, and my company.

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